“The biggest satisfaction is to be of service, to assist others tapping into their power and unleash the great potential waiting to be discovered. When you do what you are passionate about, everything becomes effortless, and no challenge is too big. I go the extra mile with you to help you achieve your aspirations. Together we thrive.”
— Dr. Erika Wichro
I am Dr. Erika Wichro. Born in Austria, Europe, I have become a global citizen, who loves to travel the world for missions and assignments.
I have the honor of receiving multiple awards from the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) including the Top International Public Health Expert 2020.
My multidisciplinary education and trainings include Medicine, Global Health, Crisis Management, Ethics, Economics, acute Psycho-Social support and International Law in Armed Conflict and Human Rights.
With more than 30 years of practical experience in health (including clinical, medical, psycho-social and public health work experience), of which over 17 years I dedicated to health emergencies at the national level and globally with the World Health Organization (WHO), European Commission (EC), GFA Consulting Group, CDC Atlanta, University Hospital Graz, and the Biobank Graz of the Medical University Graz, Austria. Missions in emergency settings included countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ukraine, Turkey for Northern Syria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Zambia, Fiji, the Pacific region, Cambodia, and Austria.
I am passionate to serve and to help empower you to reach your desired goals and aspirations.
Deep and practical experience in building capacity among staff and stakeholders in all mission countries and through training expertise in High-Level Coordination and the Course on Negotiation and Decision-Making for the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
Faculty, trainer and facilitator at the WHO’s Emergency Medical Team Coordination Cell (EMTCC) training in Australia in July 2019.
Faculty and trainer of the EC’s BURN training conducted in the Netherlands in October-November 2022.
Excellent ability to develop multi-year strategies, design project concepts, draft standing operating procedures, policies, and multi-perspective analyses, and provide substance input on various proposals for partnerships and funding in complex settings.
Deep and practical experience in cross-sectoral and interagency collaboration and access to broad humanitarian and academic network and in-depth experience working with stakeholders at all levels e.g. governments, donors (GIZ, KfW, BMZ, BMGF), WHO, EC, CDC, INGOs, NGOs, civil society, and others.
International observer at the Adriatic exercise in June 2018 and technical expert observer at the Driver Plus final evaluation in Warsaw, Poland in November 2019.
Practical experience in project cycle management, e.g. preparation of terms of references / scope of work, project design, project implementation, project monitoring, project evaluation, and program reviews.
Confirmed experience in leading functions including procurement and administration of significant budgets in health emergency settings such as Polio outbreaks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Northern Syria; Ebola outbreak in West Africa; and COVID-19 management in Austria, Ukraine, and other countries.
Confirmed experience in quickly adapting to complex settings and acquiring a deep understanding of the geopolitical and socio-economic climate from different perspectives.
Experience in leading the implementation of research projects with multi-cultural, diverse teams, and Editorial Board Member of several international journals.
Deep understanding as a trained member of the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism and the UN System (UNDAC trained), part of the expert pool as Psycho-Social Technical Expert, with research interests on re-emerging health security threats, health system strengthening efforts, disaster preparedness and response under One Health; and strengthening resilience and environmental protection.
Coordinator of the Austrian Burn Expert Team in the BURN pilot project of the European Commission and Civil Protection mechanism conducted in the United Kingdom in January 2020.
Speaking engagements at various conferences globally (in person and online) e.g. Charite conference in Berlin, Germany in October 2021, Geneva Center for Security Policy in Switzerland in April 2019 and October 2020, and others.
Contributions of articles and book chapters in academic journals and publications, peer reviewer for journals, and editorial board member for several journals.
The International Association of Top Professionals honoured me with the following awards:
Top International Public Health Expert 2020
Featured on the cover of the Top Industry Professionals (T.I.P.) Magazine in December 2020
Displayed on Time Square in New York City, USA in January 2021
Top Empowered Woman 2021
One of the Top 50 Fearless Leaders 2021
Top Industry Professionals (T.I.P.) Radio interview in February 2022
Top 50 Fearless Leaders Book being a bestseller in May 2022
Top Humanitarian 2022
Top Global Impact Health Consultant of the Decade 2023
Top 25 Global Impact Leaders 2023

“Every human being is the author of his/her own health or disease.”
— Buddha
Magdalena Stefańska, PhD, Head of International Cooperation Department in the Polish Red Cross & Chair of the Red Cross Emblem Protection Committee
Personal accountability and trust are the baseline for professional and personal relationships. Both are inevitable to assist in unleashing yet unknown potential.
In times of fake news and social media imaging it is even more so important to be authentic and show integrity. This includes open conversations and a certain degree of vulnerability to build trusted relationships and the environment for successful collaborations.
It is the personal responsibility to endure personal growth in every aspect to best serve clients around the globe.
Committing to daily conscious choices and actions lead to magnificent positive impact on this planet.
My purpose is to serve those most in need and to strengthening local and international capacity, empowerment, and resilience.
My mission is to empower countries, organizations, institutions, businesses, communities and people globally to live their full health potential. Every human being has incredible power to heal and live a fulfilled, joyful and happy life.
My vision is to reach 10 Million people by the end of 2025 through a variety of platforms such as Spotify, YouTube, Twitter, and alike for my podcast, social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Tic Toc, Pinterest, and more. Health is Wealth goes beyond the usual one-sided perception of health, mainly relying on medications of all kinds. Moreover, it focuses on a holistic approach engaging the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components of who we are.
Personal Philosophy
I am passionate about helping people, businesses, institutions, organizations, countries and systems to be at their best possible.
I believe in connecting people at all levels and enabling them to tapping into their own power, as they are the biggest assets in any country, businesses and community.
My purpose is to serving those most in need and to strengthening local and international capacity, empowerment and resilience.
Working together in partnership accelerates learning, experience and personal and systemic growth.
There is nothing more fulfilling than the sparkle in someone’s eyes who unleashed their own potential to collaborate and jointly overcome any challenges.