Why it is important to dream big or how health influences your performance and wealth

Have you set your goals? How many of these goals did you actually achieve? No doubt, we are all very busy with various tasks at hand and so many expectations. Have you ever thought how this busyness influences your success and overall wellbeing? Are you busy being busy or do your daily tasks and activities fuel into your bigger goals? What are your bigger goals?

Let’s go back to childhood. As a child I always wanted to heal people, animals and the planet from disbalance. To me, bringing balance where there is disbalance felt so meaningful and good. And this aspiration led me onto the journey of medicine, global health and crisis management. What did you wanted to do and become as a child? And why was this important to you? Do you think it was just a childish dream and it would not be for you anyway? Did you give up your bigger dreams already?

Now you might think what have big dreams and goals got to do with health. Actually, more than you might be aware of. Any successful person going for big goals make good health a priority. Why? Because you can learn and do anything if you are in a healthy, fit body with mental and emotional strength and the spirit to believe in yourself and your resourcefulness. What you think influences how you feel. Your emotions guide your actions and reactions and in return you get feedback from your surroundings and environment. That is an ongoing cycle, which only few are aware of and consciously influence by the choices and actions they take. Moreover, the environment has much more influence on your actions than you might think. Being present in the moment enables you to get clarity and to remain calm even in the most turbulent times. It helps to focus on the big goals and to break them down into small bite-sized steps for daily execution.

How you feel also impacts your immune system. Research has shown that people who are positive, confident, healthy, and continuously growing through personal development have a stronger immune system. Does that mean they have less challenges? No, it means they are flexible to change and adapt according to the situations and are willing to take a leap of faith into the unknown. For these people the unknown is exciting, an adventure, just like for children an exploration filled with wonders and miracles. They still face difficulties like everyone; however, their mindset and approach are very different. They see daily life as a game, where they can try new things, trial and error new learning, experience, grow and contribute to their own growth towards their goals and at the same time have positive impact for humanity at large. They are conscious about their responsibilities and yet their commitment is personal growth to become their best version to inspire, lead and contribute for the betterment of all.

What does it take to have a strong immune system? It takes investing some time, efforts and resources onto your health. Be conscious of what you consume, the food you eat, the fluid you drink, the conversations you have and the environment you surround yourself with. What do you watch, read and listen to? Investing in your health and strengthening your immune system entails regular movement, enjoying what you do, being with loved ones and inspiring people you feel connected to, having a purpose and meaning in your actions, and so on. Ensure you have a daily morning and evening routine. Practice it daily. If you have less time, shorten the routine, but keep the practice. What you do daily becomes a routine and habits that determine your success. Consider supplements if that resonates with you. Consult your doctor or medical practitioner as deemed necessary. Seek help if you feel overwhelmed and get a buddy for joint practice. It is always easier to practice together and hold each other accountable. Motivation might be high at the beginning, but when life becomes busier again, usually our big dreams fade, and daily routine returns very quickly. Thus, monitor your progress, celebrate each step, and take corrective measures where needed. If I can do this, you certainly can do it too.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me. Keep going and lots of blessings along the journey. You got this. 


Much love and success Dr. Erika Wichro


How to remain grounded, centered and composed during challenging situations