3 steps on how to thrive during times of uncertainty?

Are you tired of hearing about problems all day long? Do you feel like there is nothing you can do and others are controlling your fate/life?

The last two years of COVID-19 pandemic have shown that the only certainty is the need to change. And we are changing daily at the physical level. Look at the skin cells and hair you release daily, while new skin cells and hair are growing. Or how your immune system is protecting you from microbes without being consciously noticed. You only become fully aware once these mechanisms are dysfunctional, and corrective actions are needed.

What has this got to do with thriving during challenging times? Well, one needs to prepare and continuously invest some efforts onto health and personal development to maintain, expand and grow to the desired outcome. By investing some time and contemplating on your goals and why you want them will help to persist at times when motivation may vanish. In addition, set your daily intentions. Being present in the moment allows to make conscious choices and take conscious actions towards the desired goals. Break big goals down onto small bite-sized pieces, which are easily integrated onto daily routine. It is the consistency over time that reaps the fruits of the daily implemented small steps.

Watch your thoughts and how you talk to yourself. Thoughts create emotions and e-motions, meaning energy in motions result in actions to then again see the reaction which influence the thoughts, emotions and actions. It is a continuous cycle that creates how we feel, what we do and don’t do and how we see ourselves and the world around us. Be aware of your environment and avoid lingering in the past or worrying about the future. The past is gone and the future is yet to come. But you are here in the present moment and that is all there is. Sounds easy, isn’t it? Well, it does take daily practice for internalization and integration onto daily routine to then become familiar and a habit.

Monitor your progress and be the change and light you want to see. Create a spreadsheet or dashboard with key indicators to monitor your progress. Review the progress once a week, preferably when you plan for the next week. Where are you? What is your current status? Are you happy and satisfied? Or are you having excuses why things are not done as initially planned? Review your goals and the why. Contemplate on what it would take to be who you want to be, to become who you want to become, and to align with your aspirations by releasing all potential blocks programmed since childhood.

Know that you are getting better and stronger every day with the personal development. Keep moving, keep shining and you got this.


Many blessings Dr. Erika Wichro


Balancing High-Stakes with Wellness Strategies for Humanitarian and Healthcare Leaders


How to remain grounded, centered and composed during challenging situations